
  • (04/0201 – present) – SONY
  • 10/2020 – JSPS Postdoctoral fellow (PD), Kobe University (-03/2021, switched from DC1)
  • 09/2020 – Ph. D. in Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kobe University, Japan
    Mesoscopic Materials Research Laboratory, Prof. Minoru Fujii
  • 02/2020 – GLAM Visitor, Brongersma Group, Stanford University, USA (-03/2020)
  • 08/2018 – Visiting Student Researcher, Brongersma Group, Stanford University, USA (-03/2019)
    supported by Kobe University Premium Program
  • 04/2018 – JSPS Research Fellow (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (-03/2021)
  • 09/2017 – Research Intern, Advanced Technology Research Division, Panasonic Corporation, Japan
  • 09/2017 – Master of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan
  • 03/2016 – Bachelor of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan
  • 03/2012 – Senyo High School, Osaka, Japan


  1. 第49回(2020年秋季応用物理学会講演に対して)応用物理学会講演奨励賞, 03/2021
  2. 第30回光物性研究会奨励賞 (副賞図書券一万円), 12/2019
  3. Outstanding Student Award, Kobe University Premium Program, 06/2019
  4. 第7回応用物理学会関西支部奨励賞, 03/2019
  5. 応用物理学会関西支部第一回講演会 最優秀賞, 04/2018
  6. 竹水会優秀論文賞 (副賞図書券二万円), 03/2018
  7. 若手フロンティア研究会2017 最優秀賞 (副賞十万円), 12/2017

Research Grant, Travel Support, etc.

  1. 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (dedicated to Physics), JSPS, 2019
  2. Premium Program, Kobe University, Graduate School of Engineering, 2018-2019 (¥1,000,000)
    Travel support for visiting research at Stanford University
  3. 科研費 特別研究員奨励費, 2018-2022 (¥2,800千円)
    Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, JSPS, 2018-2022 (¥2,800,000)
  4. 学生海外派遣援助金, 神戸大学後援会, 2018
    Travel Support, Kobe University Technology Promotion Club (KTC), 2018
    For Conference Presentation in Boston (USA)
  5. 丸文財団 国際交流助成, 2016
    Travel Support, Marubun Research Promotion Foundation, 2016
    For Conference Presentation in Boston (USA)
  6. NEC C&C財団 国際会議論文発表者助成, 2016
    Travel Support, The NEC C&C Foundation, 2016
    For Conference Presentation in Boston (USA)