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- (04/0201 – present) – SONY
- 10/2020 – JSPS Postdoctoral fellow (PD), Kobe University (-03/2021, switched from DC1)
- 09/2020 – Ph. D. in Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kobe University, Japan
Mesoscopic Materials Research Laboratory, Prof. Minoru Fujii - 02/2020 – GLAM Visitor, Brongersma Group, Stanford University, USA (-03/2020)
- 08/2018 – Visiting Student Researcher, Brongersma Group, Stanford University, USA (-03/2019)
supported by Kobe University Premium Program - 04/2018 – JSPS Research Fellow (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (-03/2021)
- 09/2017 – Research Intern, Advanced Technology Research Division, Panasonic Corporation, Japan
- 09/2017 – Master of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan
- 03/2016 – Bachelor of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan
- 03/2012 – Senyo High School, Osaka, Japan
- 第49回(2020年秋季応用物理学会講演に対して)応用物理学会講演奨励賞, 03/2021
- 第30回光物性研究会奨励賞 (副賞図書券一万円), 12/2019
- Outstanding Student Award, Kobe University Premium Program, 06/2019
- 第7回応用物理学会関西支部奨励賞, 03/2019
- 応用物理学会関西支部第一回講演会 最優秀賞, 04/2018
- 竹水会優秀論文賞 (副賞図書券二万円), 03/2018
- 若手フロンティア研究会2017 最優秀賞 (副賞十万円), 12/2017
Research Grant, Travel Support, etc.
- 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (dedicated to Physics), JSPS, 2019
- Premium Program, Kobe University, Graduate School of Engineering, 2018-2019 (¥1,000,000)
Travel support for visiting research at Stanford University - 科研費 特別研究員奨励費, 2018-2022 (¥2,800千円)
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, JSPS, 2018-2022 (¥2,800,000)
「紫外プラズモニクスの可視紫外アップコンバージョン増強への展開」 - 学生海外派遣援助金, 神戸大学後援会, 2018
Travel Support, Kobe University Technology Promotion Club (KTC), 2018
For Conference Presentation in Boston (USA) - 丸文財団 国際交流助成, 2016
Travel Support, Marubun Research Promotion Foundation, 2016
For Conference Presentation in Boston (USA) - NEC C&C財団 国際会議論文発表者助成, 2016
Travel Support, The NEC C&C Foundation, 2016
For Conference Presentation in Boston (USA)